Thanks for the thoughtful article. There is a lot of potential for good in the Trump presidency. Let's hope that some of it comes to fruition.

The interest on the debt is now a very significant component of the budget, more then defense, and it looks like it will continue to increasingly consume resources unless something is done to stop it. Under Biden, the US significantly increased its federal govt spending as a % of GDP with the federal budget increasing by roughly 50% from 2019 to 2024. So the first step could be to roll back some of that 50% increase.

After that, we will have to hope that the federal govt can become more efficient so we can spend a bit less on it and that we can grow the economy sufficiently to increase tax revenues to help decrease the deficits. Trump was left with projections of $2+ trillion deficits as far out as the eye can see. That is not sustainable. We will have to cross our fingers and hope that, at least as a % of GDP, the debt load can be decreased over time.

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If you look over at the EU and plot their economic growth over the past 15 years or so vs the US, the US has grown its GDP by about 50% more than the EU. 50%!

The EU is destroying their prosperity via their economic policies, especially with regard to energy. The folks pushing renewables continue to claim that they are low cost. However, the countries that are increasing their use of renewables continue to see their energy costs rise, significantly. How is it possible to not see reality here?

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Thank you for this, intrigued by several points. And nice, understandable graphics, even on mobile.

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Thanks for taking a look. It’s important to remain beschaulich as events unfold!

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Indeed, I like your approach.

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"Rising inflation was at least as much Trump’s fault as Biden’s..."

Nope. When Biden came into office inflation was below 2%.

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Not quite - take a look at this analysis by David Stockman. He is often quite extreme and can be a bit hard to read, but this one is quite good


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For those that think Trump is a racist...


And if you go to about 2:55 you will see that his supporters are also AGAINST white supremacy, etc.

It is easy to find all kinds of support for Trump from the black community in his earlier days from leaders like Jesse Jackson as well. Here's Oprah. Does it look like she hates Trump when he speaks about running for POTUS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEPs17_AkTI

Before he ran for POTUS nobody thought he was a racist. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, many found it useful for political purposes to push that narrative.

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